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Online Conference:
How to get your kids to listen to you.
The 7 mistakes to avoid and the 7 strategies to apply
Are you struggling to get your kids to listen to you?
Do you feel guilty after punishing them or yelling on them?
Do you want to :
Understand why some strategies like punishment, yelling and rewards are not efficient on the long term.
Know techniques to communicate positively and efficiently with your kids.
In this online conference:
You will understand how your child's brain works and be able to better understand his/her emotions.
You will learn the 7 common mistakes that parents make to get their kids to listen
You will learn 7 practical techniques that will help you handle big emotions with confidence.
The tips and strategies in this conference are build based on the positive discipline of Jane NELSEN and Lynn LOTT.
- Dates: April 2nd, 16th, 18th, 24th, 25th (Select your date in the form below)
- Location: Online Conference
-Price : FREE

What you will learn?
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